Thursday 28 June 2012

True Success

This is real success-you see what others can't. You hear what others can't and you feel what others can't. God is still in the business of concealing. The Spirit of God informs us that we need to not only pray but watch-watch for that little spot. Why did God hide gold underneath? Why did He hide other resources out of the human reach? Why did He hide wisdom that the human race cannot easily bump into it? Why did Jesus hide the truth in parables so that one cannot easily understand? But the good news is that we have the mind of Christ. God has hidden also the best of human resources in those that you feel are worthless. You need to move ɑ little further. Today, go out and look for that "worthless individual" and show him/her some respect. Remember, the husband to Esther, King Xerses, had his life in Mordecai, who was then regarded as worthless. Jesus, the saviour of the world, came out from ɑ worthless place. God have ɑ lot of good in mind for us but He wants us to discover it. When you do this, you will have fulfilled the law of love for without the little things there is nothing that can be great.

Friday 22 June 2012

how to please God

Many at times we wander about looking for ways to please God. Let me tell you a story: there was this widower who had just one son. He was very rich and so wanted his son to think towards his direction-he wanted his son to create his own wealth because he believed that it was the only way he could teach his son to manage his wealth. The boy went through seasons of training until the he had reached a stage which the father believed was enough for him to own his own wealth. The father began testing him to see if he had really learnt anything. He did well until the time he failed one of those tests. Though the son felt bad but it touched the father more than it touched the son.
That's just the way life is. God wants you to put His Word into action. He controls the universe and everything in it. Though storms come, apostle James said you should rather rejoice. This means that you should be extremely happy. A police recruit always prays for a mission. A fireman always pray for fire alert and so should a child of God be happy always even when encountered with situations that don't seem right. This is because those situations will make you better than you've ever been. They will refine your thinking. You were never meant to fail the test and for you to pass it you must use the Word of God(the Bible). This is how you please God-your faith in His ability to save. Go out today and face all your problems with the mind of conquering not of being subjected to them. That addiction cannot overcome you because the Word said that you are more than a conqueror.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

the cockroach effect

Have you noticed the cockroach? It is an insect of very high sensitivity and adaptability. It’s of the class insecta and of order blattodea. About 0.0067 species of cockroaches are commonly found within man's habitation. Cockroaches can live up to a full year and their female just need to be impregnated once in order to give birth till they die. They normally produce 150-400 offspring or more in a life-time.
Cockroaches are either attracted to places that are dark or places where there are other cockroaches, though not all are nocturnal. They leave chemical trails in their faeces which leads other cockroaches to their location.
Compared to human beings, cockroaches have the ability to withstand radiation better. Cockroaches are told to have been in existence during the carboniferous era. They have six limbs, a broad, flattened body and a relatively small head. They have two large compound eyes and two flexible antennae among others.
Their eyes and antennae give them a sense of awareness. They use them to know when there is danger or peace. One may ask for the need of antennae when eyes are present. Some people might say the eyes aid light sensitivity while the antennae function properly when light is absent. However, one thing is certain-the eyes alone cannot certify its safety.
Just like the cockroaches, we too have been created with this 'antenna'. This is a part of us that keeps us moving even when we SEE a dead-end. It's that part of us that never wants to accept defeat. It's that part of us that triggers passion for a given endeavour and sees to its accomplishment.
Little wonder why the Bible says we walk by faith and not by sight. A man that has not established connections with his 'faith-antenna' is not ready to move forward. When walking by faith, your perception of things totally changes. A sign is that you see everything possible-everything. Also, your view on life would change. You would see yourself relying on Christ's principles. Rather than puffing up, you'll see yourself serving; rather than struggling you'll see yourself enjoying; rather than withholding you'll see yourself giving 'cheerfully'. This was the main difference in Jesus-He saw what others could not see. His vision took over His passion, and right now He is enjoying its benefits.
You may be wondering where this antenna could be found. The Bible let's us know that we have the mind of Christ-an awesome gift, isn't it?
“Who can know the LORD’s thoughts?
Who knows enough to teach him?”
But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. 1st Cor.2:16. With this mind we can see things not really the way they are but the way we want them to be. We don't need to ponder on whether it can or cannot happen or how possible or impossible it is but rather see it in reality through faith. Abraham knew this and this pleased God to even count Him righteous. If faith can lead you to Heaven then it sure can get you anything you want, “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” Mark9:23
 I challenge you to overcome your obstacles through faith.